Retrain Your Brain

Over the years, I’ve helped many people create the lives they’ve always wanted. For most that starts with weight loss, but many of my clients are surprised to hear that losing pounds is often one of the easiest way to make positive changes, especially if they’ve been in an unhealthy place for a long time. The longer we carry around that emotional weight, the harder it can be to deal with positive changes. When our minds get used to being at that unhealthy place, sometimes we can find ourselves feeling like we don’t deserve what we are achieving. It’s not uncommon for someone to grow accustomed to the identity of being overweight, so when they see the scale going down they’ll actually self-sabotage to get back to that comfort zone.

This video is about how we can retrain our brains to accept our success and build on it. How can we take our success and move forward, rather than backwards? How do you maintain that momentum?

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